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My Cauze

My Cauze
  • 类型:教育
  • 语言:"EN"
  • 评分:0.000
  • 厂商:Don Lindsey
  • 是否收费:免费
  • 更新时间:2024-02-24 07:13:52
  • 标签: 教育 美食佳饮
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The My Cauze App is a charitable event scheduling app which doubles as a mobile food ordering and fund collection platform. Through the app, any charity or group organizer can select from locally geofenced restaurant menu boards near their location and then share the menu link with supporters of their cause. The link even works when placed on social media platforms for greater foot traffic and fundraising dollars. Simply set a date, receive confirmation, order through the app and pickup food at the organizers chosen restaurant. Only restaurants that have charitable giving programs for their community are included. (i.e. 20% back to charity). Local charities or groups raise money from orders made only through the app, including separate matching funds. Whatever is raised from the restaurant, the My Cauze app will match a portion of the charitable proceeds. The app also has an automated purchase feature and receipt delivery system. All from your smart phone and in just minutes.




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